MCC tunnel configuration file

This file is located in /etc/mcc/tunnels directory by default. MCC reads all the files with names ending with .conf. To override the path use tunnels property in the main configuration file.


Dependent node's certificate path. Use mcc create-tunnel command to generate a new one.


Dependent node's private key path. Use mcc create-tunnel command to generate a new one.

external-ip-address =

IPv4 address outside MCC network to which the traffic will be directed. Only addresses from private networks (RFC 1918) are allowed here. means no external address. If this address is specified the packet that reached the server is forwarded to the specified address, and the reply is forwarded back to the client.


Comma-separated list of DNS names associated with the server endpoint.

static-addr =

Static IP address of the server endpoint in overlay network. means no static address.

See also